There are thousands of funeral-related videos available on line. Here are some links to Public Television and Public Radio program episodes about funerals, followed by some particularly good youtube videos. You can also explore further by going to and type your choice of key words in the subject line.
Exit Music: Choosing Your Final Playlist.
Save Thousands By Just Crossing the Street.
Despite Law, Funeral Prices are Unclear.
Always Go To The Funeral (from the This I Believe Series).
TED talk on why it’s so hard accepting death.
Most Expensive Funerals 46 minutes
During its 2013 International Convention & Expo, the National Funeral Directors Association hosted an extraordinary webcast featuring an all-star panel of experts who shared important insights into how hospice professionals, funeral directors, members of the clergy and grief counselors can come together to support those at the end of life. Webcast viewers learned how each vocation has a specific role in serving client families and how collaborative efforts can provide a continuum of care at the end of life. 1 hour and 45 minutes
Dr. Thomas Long and Thomas Lynch, preacher and funeral director, respectively, understand the value of funeral rituals and clearly articulate the elements that are necessary for a good funeral. This is a rare opportunity for clergy, hospice and funeral directors to hear ideas and strategies for growing a sense of community and cooperation among caregiving professionals who support and care for the dying and those who have experienced a death. Presentation given at 2013 Funeral Industry convention
This meaningful video is not available with embed code so you will need to enter the url into your search bar. 55 minutes
Here’s a question we all have to answer sooner or later: What do you want to happen to your body when you die? Mortician and funeral director Caitlin Doughty explores new ways to prepare us for inevitable mortality. In this thoughtful talk, learn more about ideas for burial (like “recomposting” and “conservation burial”) that return our bodies back to the earth in an eco-friendly, humble and self-aware way.